Architecture and Data Blog

Thoughts about intersection of data, devops, design and software architecture

Data specialists should pair with developers

Model to share specialists on agile projects

Traditionally the data-team is used to sitting in their own area and working for many project teams by handling requests either via a ticketing system or vi email. The hand-over of work or throwing of work over the wall creates knowledge silos and inefficiencies.

Publish data models in CI Pipeline

Enable wider usage of data models by publishing the latest models on team Wikis

Many a times ER models are created by the data team and are not shared outside of the data team generally for the lack of tools licenses, since its not feasible for the entire team to purchase licenses for the ER modelling tools such as Erwin Data Modeller or Er Studio

Static Analysis of PL/SQL code

Applying modern development practices to database code

In all new development and sometimes during legacy codebase modernization, developers tend to add code quality checks and static analysis of codebase such as style checks, bug finders, cyclomatic complexity checking etc. into the CI/CD pipeline. When we inherit a codebase that has much PL/SQL and there is a desire to put the PL/SQL code base through the same types of code analysis, what options does a developer/dba have?

Using liquibase to load data and ignore some columns

Loading data into tables is needed many times on projects to load test, Liquibase provides a method to load data into tables with lots of customization. In the example shown below, I’m loading zip code data with the following column layout


Automatically adding columns to Rails migrations

Allowing for common audit columns to be added to all rails migrations

Many projects need addition of identical columns to all the tables created by the project. Audit columns are an example of such a requirement. The requirement is to add columns such as created_by, created_date, modified_by and modified_date to all the tables, these columns store, who created the row, when the row was created, who modified the row last and when was it modified. created_by and created_date are required to be present when the row is inserted and thus are required to be not nullable. Adding these columns to each and every table is a lot of work for developers.

Synonyms as abstraction layer

In many development shops, developers are not allowed to access the database schema directly, and are not allowed to create tables, indexes, views etc, instead are given access via a different schema that allows SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE access on data. The general reason is to avoid developers creating database objects without

Using rake and activerecord to generate boilerplate DB Code

Generating code that is necessary for standard code

IN many projects, there are tables which need default audit columns such as Created_By, Created_Date, Modified_By, Modified_date and other columns that need to be updated every time some actions are done against the tables and/or columns. This type of functionality can be implemented using triggers.

Database naming conventions in different environments

Allowing for change in environment configuration

In every enterprise and every project we end up having multiple environments, especially the database side of the enterprise tends to stick around for a longer period of time and has much more dependencies or application integration as opposed to application urls etc. Given this, how to name the servers, databases and schemas becomes a very important decision, do these names provide for an easy way to use the application and not make it harder or the developers to access the database.

8 Techniques for testing migration of data from legacy systems

How to use stored procedures as interface to the data

Many of the projects we end up working on are replacing existing systems with existing data either wholly or in part. In all of the above projects we end up writing data migration or data conversion code to move the data from legacy systems to the new systems. Many stake holders of the project such as business users, project managers, business analysts really care about the data conversion scripts and the quality of the conversion.

10 node mongodb ReplicaSet on a Single Machine"

While doing evalauation of NoSQL databases, we had a 10 node riak cluster and wanted check how a similar setup would work with mongodb. So started to setup a 10 node mongodb cluster. Since this was for initial spikes, we decided to set this up on a single machine as with the other test setup using Riak. Before I explain how we setup 10 node mongodb ReplicaSet, let me talk about replica sets.